Thursday, January 28, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
''Its about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (destiny,fortune,good luck) will take care of itself. the dreams will come to you.''
Dr.Randy Pausch
I agree with Dr. Robert its not about how we get achieve our goals its how we live our lives because if we live it right our goals will come ti us and there will be no worries fate and God will determine everything if we are good people then we will be rewarded greatly but if were bad people then we will have to face the negative consequences. Our actions determine our life they way we are and the things that we do life is based on our actions its karma the circle of life if you do something bad then something bad will eventually happen to you but if you do something good something good will happen to you.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
''Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.'' -Mr. Haymore
YES i agree with Mr. Haymore 100% we have to take care of our bodies. Body represents eating healthy,exercising, getting good sleep, stretching any thing that benefits our body in a positive way. Mind represents what we think, how much we think, and what we think about we have to clear our minds of all sinful and human nature we must focus and use our minds in a positive way. Spirit represents reading the bible, thanking God, giving him praise, worshiping him, doing his works, remaining faithful until kingdom come, Spirit is actually the most important one because say your good looking, and well-fit but your extremely disrespectful and constantly complain that's someone you don't want to be after all life here on earth doesn't matter the important thing is that we remain righteous an faithful to gods commands and to do his work because the day we die we will be judged on how good we were spiritually.
LAUSD provides dozens of services for students to participate in such as Beyond The Bell which helps parents to find perfect activities in LA for students whether it be sports,dance,music,history,etc. Another Student Service that LAUSD provides is Reading to the Rhythm a reading activity for students to do over the summer. Another Student Service that LAUSD provides is Digital Citizenship which helps students be efficient in the digital world so that they may work responsibly,respectfully,safely,etc to be successful in there future lives whether they go to college or to a career.

Friday, January 15, 2016
The Goal Of True Education
''Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character ,that is the goal of true education.''-Martin Luther King Jr.
I think that what Martin Luther King Jr. said was true because you can be the smartest person in the world and have a bad attitude and no one will like you or you can be the coolest and nicest person in the world but not be smart and you'll loose money or not have a good job, You have to be best in both so that you can achieve greatness and so you can prosper in life, if you struggle in one of them do your best and work hard so that you can achieve your full potential only then will you find success it's hard to stay focused and its hard to be intelligent and have a good character but you still have to work hard on it so you won't be lazy,poor,dumb,rude,shy,prideful,shameful,judgmental,hypocritical, and any other negative effects. I also like this quote because if you have good character and if your intelligent school is much much easier you'll get along with teachers, people will like you, etc etc.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
''We need the courage to START and CONTINUE what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't do.''-Richard L. Evans
I totally agree with Richard L. Evans because its too true people now a days constantly do bad just so they can be considered ''Cool'' people no longer care for their education, family, career, life, or even the people around them to think Richard said this quote I'd say a decade ago maybe even more if he though things were bad back then they just got even worse drugs are a great example of this its starts off with people tempting other like ''Hey take a hit it won't hurt'' then the other person is like ''Nah bro i'm good'' then the tempter is like ''stop being a wussy'' then the victim thinks about it and says ''I really like this guy and don't want too loose him as a friend, so i guess i'll try it''. he try's the drug then becomes a hooked on it all because he didn't have the courage to say NO!!!!
are special dentist who help their patients have a better smile, align teeth,
and help guide proper facial development.
The average
Orthodontist receives $196,270 payment for their work.
for becoming an Orthodontist includes four years of college, four years of
dental school, and two to three years of post-graduate orthodontist training.
People that want to become an orthodontist must require a high school diploma
or GED.
Monday, January 11, 2016
''When you tell one lie, it leads to another''
-Paul Hatch
I agree with Paul Hatches quote because lies can be a habit a very very bad habit for some people lies are addicting they can't help themselves but to give into it and wait for the outcome of it for others its pleasure they enjoy it they love to deceive others with there lies. Lies come in many shapes and sizes for example some people lie for a good purpose others lie for a bad purpose some people lie for to protect others and some people lie to help others, no matter what though lies are lies and the bad to commit if you lie once it will lead to another and so on and so on eventually you will find yourself at the end of the leash your going to be in a very deep whole and you'll have to face the consequences. many things lead people to lie from protection all the way to there own goals in order for you to be truthful constantly is too have faith you have to believe and know that lying is bad its hard to tell the truth at times but its worth it because its good and its sets you free you know like a takes of heavy burdens. Lying its so bad that even God hates lies its in Proverbs 6:16-19 ''There six things that the lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes and a LYING TONGUE.''
School Break Days
What i did for School Break was pretty much kicking back, relaxing, learning a few things here and there. I didn't really go anywhere exciting since my mother didn't have money due to the holidays. On the first day of School Break i went to the theaters to watch Star Wars The Force Awakens and it was awesome. The only book i read through out my break was The Bible nothing else besides that, though i should start to read more often. I did not have any homework for my classes which was good. Sadly i didn't really much in my vacation which was kinda lame but next i am considering going out more with friends and such i mean its School Break so why not go and have fun right. I tried to Dunkin Donuts for the first time in the first week of break and it was what i was expecting it to be which is good. During are vacation i was attempting to use more of mind and brain to really use my brains potential, I began to improve during the last week yet I still know there is much more to unlock.
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