What Roman Chapa did was wrong and he does deserve to be punished for his actions unlike Malik Stewart who did something honorable and respectful.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
‘’I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.’’- Sophocles
Memorial Day Weekend
What I did on Memorial Day weekend was stay at home and watch movies with the family enjoying and being thankful for our freedom, I didn’t go anywhere I just stayed at home watching movies, The movies i rented were Krampus, Daddy’s Home and Risen Krampus was alright but it wasn’t really a horror movie then Daddy’s Home was hilarious but the best was Risen I would definitely recommend that movie. I suppose i had a CTR moment because while watching Krampus my Youth pastor had called me asking if I wanted to help him move since he’s getting a new home so yeah i helped him out afterwards he had invited me to go watch a game with his son, mom and dad but i refused because i wanted to study for a math test which i didn’t but i passed the test so whatever, anyway that’s all i really did on Memorial Day weekend.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Memorial Day
- Memorial day is the day we celebrate give thanks and honor all of the fallen soldiers who risked their lives for us.
- Memorial is on every last monday of May
- A few ways to show and honor those who have fallen and risked their lives for us is to enjoy your freedom, be thankful, and thank the soldiers in person if given the chance.

5.Memorial Day was created after the civil war in 1868, Memorial day was originally called decoration day, Waterloo New York is the birthplace of Memorial Day.
6.What i will do in Memorial Day is enjoy my freedom and give thanks to those who have fallen.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
‘’If i’ve got correct goals, and if i keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.’’ - Dan Dierdorf
I think what Dan is trying to say is, If you have the right goals in mind like graduating getting a good job that you like being successful etc and you achieve those goals by doing right and not cheating then you will be successful because you're not just gonna achieve your goals you will be successful because of the hard work you put into achieving those goals you know? It's like an accomplishment that you can feel good about.
Wellness Specialist
Wellness specialist build and promote a health and wellness program within a corporate environment, serve as health resources for employees providing confidential advice and counseling to assist with treatment, and create a prefered provider program with local health care providers that will assist employee consumerism.
A wellness specialist gets paid an average of $15.79 per hour and $49,480 yearly.
To become a wellness specialist you need a degree in related discipline such as nursing or fitness.
Friday, May 20, 2016
‘’The most important thing you will ever have is good values.’’ -Dennis Prager
I think what prager is trying to say is that we have to have goals, i think that’s what he’s trying to say so don’t start complaining ok. Anyways i think he’s trying to say to have goals and achieve them you know strive forth to get them.
Duties of a veterinarian are to administer vaccines, health check-ups, clean teeth, fix broken bones, treat skin infections, and perform surgeries.
Veterinarians get paid 486,640 a year since 2013 there is a possibility that it has raised since then.
To become a veterinarian you need obtain a D.V.M or V.M.D. Usually you must have a baccalaureate degree.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
‘’The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self respect, dignity, integrity and self-esteem.’’ -Dr.Laura Schlessinger
True and honest words that Dr.Laura says the greatest reward for doing right is making yourself and others feel good there is just great pleasure in doing right for yourselves and others, Which is
why we must always be and do good to ourselves and to others no matter what.
Sports Medicine
Sports medicine therapist work with athletes physicians to develop recovery plans. Afterwards they work with the athlete one-on-one to help him/her recover and use a number of treatment modalities like electrical muscle stimulation to gain strength and flexibility and to promote health for the athlete.
Sports Medicine Therapist get paid $82,180 a year as of 2013, there is a possibility that the salary has increased since then.
To become a Sports medicine therapist must require a master’s degree in sports medicine, athletic training, or physical therapy.
I would not like to work as a Sports Medicine Therapist because it is not the career that i am interested in.
Monday, May 16, 2016
- Work Hard.
- Follow your passions
- Don’t chase after money
- Serve Others, Do good things for others and good things will come to you.
World Records
1.Longest Nose on a living person
Set By: Mehmet Ozyurek
Set in: March 18 2010 (Italy,Rome)
2.Hairiest Teenager
Set By: Supatra Sasuphan
Set in: March 4 2011 (Italy,Rome)
3.Most Fingers and toes
Set By: Devendra Suthar
Set in: November 11 2014 (India)
Thursday, May 12, 2016
The video of the indian youth shows how when people are faced with something that they know is wrong majority of them do it anyway, and because of that decision they have to face the consequences. The snake resembles many things from kush to cocaine you get the picture right? Course you do Good Job!
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
‘’Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong’’. -Wilford Woodruff
True what Sir Wilford quotes nothing is ever gained or accomplished in the action of doing wrong whether you get away from it now you won’t be able to get away from it later especially on the day of judgement the day The Lord returns the day we all will be judged for our sins only those who have not repented, repent now before it is too late ‘’For the day of The Lord will come like a thief’’ unexpectedly you can never escape from doing wrong it sounds dumb and cheesy but true and i’m pretty sure everyone should know that by now and if you don’t you will soon enough.
Friday, May 6, 2016
It’s a GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.’’ -Pam Knox
It is great moment when someone stands up to do the right thing because it shows that there strong that they are not afraid they stand up not because they're tired or mad no they stand up because it’s the right thing to do and nothing can change or prevent that.
Speech Pathologist
A Speech Pathologist is someone who assess,diagnose,treat, and help prevent speech, language, cognitive-communication, voice, swallowing,fluency and other related disorders.
The average salary for a speech pathologist is $66,920 to $71,550, the best paid get $111,000 and the lowest paid is $44,940.
To become a Speech Pathologist you must acquire a Master’s Degree, Certification,and a license.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
‘’I have been asked what i mean by ‘WORD OF HONOR’. I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another i might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can i get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first!’’-Karl G. Maeser
I admire this man’s loyalty and respect for his word and honor you can tell that he is a man of his word which is something that is lacking in today’s community which isn’t good people need to learn to stay true to their word so that they can b e responsible but no they choose not to learn they follow their own words and the ways of man committing and engaging in foolish things when will these people learn when will they stop caring about themselves.
Medical Scientist
One of the most of many reasons why Medical Scientist exist is to identify new methods of enhancing human health. The end results of test or procedures is to obtain new treatment options, drugs, or vaccine. Medical Scientist that run a clinical trial have to interview patients and go through their medical records, afterwards the medical scientist decides who goes into what testing group.
The average salary for a medical scientist as of 2013 is $90,230 there’s a possibility that the salary average has increased.
To become a Medical Scientist you will need a Doctoral or Professional degree, another requirement would be Licensure.
Monday, May 2, 2016
The 10 Indian Commandments
1.Treat the Earth and all that dwells therein with respect.
2.Remain close to the great spirit.
3.Show respect to your fellow beings.
4.Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
5.Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
7.Look after the well-being of mind and body
8.Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
9.Be truthful and honest at all times.
10.take full responsibility of your actions.
I admire these Native-American commandments for they are wise and true it mainly says to be respectful and to treat everything with respect, while these commandments are wise i still prefer the Commandments of our Lord because they and the holy spirit will lead to everlasting life and these commandments are good to live by but will not lead to everlasting life.
Responsibilities and duties of a reflexologist include, work with patients to help them ease tension and stress in their lives. They perform therapeutic massage to stimulate pressure points in a person's hands and feet.
Reflexologist get paid an average of $39,760.
To become a Reflexologist you need to obtain a post secondary education, get a state license and/or national certification, and a secure employment.
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