Friday, November 20, 2015

''Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.'' - Henry Ward Beecher

 I think the meaning for this quote can mean two things the first meaning being to do better than what people say for example if someone where to say you'll never achieve nothing in life or your going to do great things when you grow up i think the meaning would be to do better for the negative side to prove them wrong and for the positive side to fulfill and elevate on what they said. the other meaning that i think it would or if it does mean is be responsible for the things people say to you for example if someone was to say about you or to you god has great things for you or your gonna change the world i think the quote would be meaning to fulfill what those people say about you and to not prove them wrong i think that's what it means.

Monday, November 16, 2015

''Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or loosing.'' -Chick Moorman

 I like what chick says because it's true its better to be a good sport and except a loss than to be a sore loser and wine continuously, not just in a game either in life if something bad happens get over it was meant to happen everything happens for a reason it might not feel like it but it is so just stop complaining suck it up and move on there's no need to brag or whine no just accept it and move on. I also like this quote because doing something right is better than winning or loosing for example let's say your in a race your in first place and all of a sudden the person behinds you trips now this could go 2 ways you can ignore him continue and win the race while that person is badly injured and you begin to feel guilt or you can help him up end up in 4th place and loose the race but you'll feel like a champ because you did something better than win.    

An Oncologist’s duty or responsibility is to perform wide variety of procedures the ascertain the condition of tissues and to detect cancer. They also collect medical histories and perform physical evaluations like, maintaining records managing the work staff, and coordinate with other medical personal.
An Oncologist makes between the ranges of $222,809 to $351,598.
To become an oncologist you must require an M.D. degree other requirements are to fulfill state licensure requirements; complete residency training programs and subspecialty training programs.

 I wouldn’t like to be an oncologist because the medical area isn’t something that calls to me I would rather help people in another way.-

Thursday, November 12, 2015

'' 1.Have the courage to say no.

   2.Have the courage to face the truth.

   3.Do the right thing because it is the right.

  These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.'' - W. Clement Stone

   I agree with this statement because it is simple and true all you have to do is make the right decision if something is bad then it is bad if something is good then it is good it's that simple simple there's no in between just make the right decision if every one in the world is doing bad then be the one in the world that is doing good don't try to fit in with the world otherwise you'll be a nobody set yourself apart make the right decisions because if you don't you'll have to pay the consequences and not only that if you do bad then you will feel bad if you do good then you'll will feel good.

Electrical Engineering
An electrical engineer’s job is to evaluate electrical systems, products, components, and applications by designing and conducting research programs; applying knowledge of electricity and materials. Confirms system's and components capabilities by designing testing methods; testing properties.
An electrical engineer’s salary is $89,630 annually; hourly they get paid $43.09.
To become an electrical engineer you must first graduate high school, afterwards you must go to college, then you need to get your bachelor’s degree or higher.

 I would like to become an electrical engineer because people live in an age and now a world where they depend on technology so becoming an electrical engineer and technology that we have now a days would help to create an develop new things.

Monday, November 9, 2015

He that walketh with the wise shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed''. Proverbs 13:20 - Solomon

  This quote is a wise quote obviously because it came from Solomon a wise man.

Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a day we celebrate to honor the veterans that serve our country.
The purpose of Veterans Day Is to show our appreciation to the veterans that protect our country.
It’s important to show honor and appreciation on Veterans Day because they are brave men and women who go to protect our country not everybody has the guts to do that.
Veterans Day is on the 11th of November it started in 1919 and it was to show appreciation to the men who fought in WW1.
A few ways to show honor on Veterans Day is moment of silence, giving thanks to a veteran, firm handshake, etc.

My thoughts on Veterans Day is thankful I am thankful we have troops to protect us for keeping the country safe so no evil will destroy our country. To the veterans I say ‘’Thank You’’.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

''The best recreation is to do good''. -William Penn

 I agree with this quote because it's obviously true i mean you can't do bad and feel good unless you are possessed or dark. Doing good is always the right thing to do even if you get made fun of or if nobody else is doing you always have to do good and be good if everyone is doing bad then let them do bad as long as your doing good it's OK. But just because everyone is doing bad doesn't mean that you should let them show them what they are doing wrong and help them you can do a lot of good by helping someone bad do good plus the more people doing good the more bad people will start to see what they are doing is wrong and that they should turn immediately. I guess what i'm trying to say is if there is a lot of good people in the world bad people will see there mistakes and go from bad to good in a heartbeat.